Just so happens that....

 Just so happens that my step-daughter's son developed his verbal abilities and speaking capabilities from online video game players with whom he converses. Those conversations took him from being a near-mute to a nuanced speaker and articulator of his perceptions.

  1. In this way the mind does need feedback so it can discern and distinguish what it projects to the feedback it gets. The mind's logic or illogic framework is constantly doing 'if this what I know is so, then that new [possibly challenging] information means...'.
  1. In that way, the mind's consciousness expands into different spaces and dimensions than where it was formerly by the new forms of verbal and nonverbal intercourse 

  2. The 'bells-n-whistles', be they the latest game strategies or, as with Roman culture, their engineering technology are more secondary in the grand scope, than their immediate and on-going utility was hailed.
    Revealing the spaces and dimensions of thought possible for those discoveries liberates the logic mechanisms in its explorative speculations that extrapolate to more abstract quality-of-life concepts.
  3. For this reason, a serious, non-mundane banal discourse of things between You and me is good for the both of us!


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