Humans-Hormonally psychotropic beings (Update a non-April Fools addendum)

I'm sure many of you have sensed the physiological effects as your own sexual arousal sweeps through your body. Your breathing, your heart rate, the stimulation in your flesh are the components of that arousal. In the same way when fear or an emotional trauma occurs similar, but more uncomfortably disturbing phenomena happen.

These symptoms come from your brain's trained response to the conditions that precipitate sexual arousal or fear. That being so and knowing the strength of the intensity of those reactions, it should be possible to proactively stimulate the mental state which enables such reactions. Transcendental meditation has promoted such effects. 

I would assert, that those mantras are just meaning triggers which set your mind's table for the consequent brain triggers to activate for the desired ends. I have noticed that by just thinking of an erotic circumstance that I can place myself into a somnolence without doing any kinetic stimulation or medicating myself with any substance. My somnolence occurs by an auto-medication by my mind.

One of the main obstructions for people being able to do this are the social proscriptions and sanctions administered by others in detecting such behavior by anyone.  You don't have to be furtive to accomplish this; just be aware of your moods. Particularly those in which you find yourself about to "..lose your religion.." or at that point of your "..last nerve (of patience) being tested..". 

Another just as significant diversion and (insidious) distraction are you 'mundanities', the everyday pragmatic, for which there is an imperative obligation of your due diligence. Many of those mundanities are essential for your maintenance and sustenance. There are others that are much more elective to casual options, to which you might normally give the energy of your attention. Minimize the latter as you discern what are the necessary imperatives that must be done so not to be unnecessary baggage for your focus and energies, that could be devoted to those spaces in time for nurturing your meditative intensity.

In those moments be cognizant beyond your subjectivity of feelings and note the physiological changes to your muscles as well as your thinking. Let the awareness of those points of capacity become your points of reference for where you can be beyond your secular and temporal, social persona. 

Those points of reference had their triggers you can now note, objectively, for deconstructive analysis for their future utility or admonition for you.

If this has inspired you to think differently about how you can have a more fulfilling experience, take the time to consider this.


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