Let's talk about 'The Promised Land'


                              Let's talk about 'The Promised Land'


                               WHY it was LOST in the Past

Just as Adam and Eve lost Eden. Just as Lot had to abandon Sodom-Gomorrah

. Just as Noah had to abandon the soil to land in Urartu on Mount Ararat
.  Or the Hebrews wandering in the Sinai for 40 years. The Assyrian attack on the cities of Judah. Nebuchadnezzar taking Jerusalem. The conquest of the GreeksWhen Alexander the Great came to Jerusalem | Bible Reading Archeology. The diaspora by the Romans-[Masada What Happened at Masada? | James Romm | The New York Review of Books]  . All before the modern-day antisemitism of today.

It's NOT due to the individual nature of the Jewish people, but to their collective worship to things and principalities other than that of                             'the word of the Lord'. 

Treasure is not found in the wealth of gold, be icons of gold or its collective value, but in the righteousness of mercy that has been bestowed over the ages of the Lord-of-Scripture. The collective acquiescence to temporal ways that have made the collective soul of the tarnished identity of 'the Lord's "Chosen People" ' to the trappings other than that of the logic of the sacred scriptures' humility has been the predicate for others to use the bile and vile of their evil against the Jewish people, individually and collectively.

The 'Holy Land' has become a place of blasphemies that contradict both the word and spirit of the scripture. In those ways the land lies as an abomination of people and nationsHope in the Holy Land | “There is no moral equivalency between those who  would kill using children, innocent civilians, children and adults, in  their homes and in… | Instagram 

to scripture, and is inhabited by those usurpers to the name and title of 'the Lord's Chosen'. 

Until the words of Psalm 89 14-15 '14 Justice and judgement are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face. 15 Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance.' [Not in the carnage of (the D)evil.

If  we are to get past such blasphemies, we need to learn to share-the-wealth from kindness and mercy, than pretensions on false narratives.


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