YA GOT 45+ YEARS TO LIVE?? < Pi-edPiper > 2023-01-27 21:24

First its skeptical and critical thinking of the INFORMAL as well as the authorized secular formal indoctrination.

The next took an inebriated moment coming down off a psychedelic 52 years ago where I was challenged to do what I had to [CONSCIENTIOUSLY] do and keep on getting on up without the affirmation of my personal or social "support system', who were implicitly FINGERED as those whom I had to transcend, prn.

Throw in society and popular culture not being its best witness for itself

and Serendipity and Synchronicity offering uncanny rabbit-holes of fortuity and escape..

Then one day you wake up to a situation of grace, not sought but that you had a clueless hand in choosing for its minimal, functional utility along with a naively honest expectation that your gut feeling BEFORE the serendipity and synchronicity of humanity took a wrong turn in its cultural direction and there was a better coherent empathetic ethics that could be expressed and done.

A child's pre socialized virtuous marvel of joy for the moment was ALL one needed for an attitude.


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