When dissembling denials have no more credibility
When dissembling denials have no more credibility
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The time is approaching when situational opportunism of subjective bias that’s trending will have lost the potency for any credibility and will be seen as the enchanting opiate of a verbal mirage meant for its emotive form than its efficacious substance.
At that time, those who smugly concealed their own fallibilities and misgivings in the ambiguous clouds of deceptive representations will find themselves and their lives more vulnerable and threatened by what they have denied in their dissemblings, then if they had been more scrupulous and ethical in their testaments of beliefs and facts to others
What they abandoned for the deceptions and lies of the near-term will be the rebounding retribution of compounded Newtonian reactions now unleashed through the discredited barriers that have now fallen and evaporated as the fog of confusion that they were in the evaporating heat of the undeniable and irrepressible consequences resulting from those false, controlling narratives.
All the intangible forms constructed to promote and support that dissembling and denial can no longer be used as the reason or justifications for the tangible artifices of authority-to-control others based on those dissembling denials, It is with this that the seeming dystopian anarchy will bring the final coup de grace to the persons and those forms and artifices by which the inequities and injustices of the dissembling denial perpetrated and enabled on those who docilely were dependent on the integrity of those representations that proved so dissemblingly false.
There will be no sympathy from this writer to the ruthless efficiency of the consequences that will characterize those resulting anarchical and dystopian times. What will come to pass will be the equated functional answer for the subsequent chaos, that is Time’s testimony reporting its genesis to those of the present in the most undeniable and unavoidably recognizable terms.
Misery and pain on both the guilty and the innocent is the price for the indulgence in a “happiness” deemed and anointed as the ends ‘by any means’, than as an indicating guide of what hypothetically could possibly be under ethically feasible, not some entitled expectation. In that now commonly shared misery people will recognize the state of their humanity to which they have fallen or to which they could, hypothetically, rise.
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