THE Sum is GREATER than its individual parts

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Whether a 'Beemers' parts display, or me passing along a favorable diagnostic report on my CT Scan. The data, as we learned from Roger's unexpected demise, doesn't tell the WHOLE story.

With that said, my diagnostic showed me as physiologically within normal parameters, yet the May 19th system shutdown has yet to be explained. What I told you of me not keeping pace for what you do with out a thought when walking around Lake Onondaga, has not been addressed. The clinicians from urologist to primary care docs can't explain why I go into head cold sneezing fits after I ejaculate. DATA of the clinicals are fine, the patient is a car wreck waiting to happen.

Beyond health, what in its parts are 'good enough' may not be as a functioning dynamic. What we can manage and tolerate as individual things, as cumulative aggregates could be insidious 'killers' for our own optimal quality of life. It's easy for me to point out when I collapsed, or can't keep pace, or sneeze-my-head-off. It's another thing to know what I'm allowing myself to deal with may not be in my long term best interest, though it's seen as a "necessary obligatory" for sentimental or emotional reasons.

Denying what we could be doing to 'settle' for what's more convenient could be that thing that's part of the larger problem seen more clearly, retrospectively.


Hope things are at a more balance situation for you and Shonda.

Keep in touch. 'The Beach' will be just a mile and a quarter away for you when you make it down here (in warmer weather [unless you like the cold winds of winter blowing in your face.]


Whether it's me saying that


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