Getting back to the 'in utero zen' of existence


(Back to the ontological roots)


Just as time seems suspended in 'this  magic moment': it may be that our cognitive focus' concentration in that moment simultaneously alters our metabolisms to the neural synapses than the muscular synapses. Think of it as the equivalent of going from an analog to a digital format. Thus, it is possible, I speculate, because our increased emotional-neural, reflective activities dynamics 'flips the switch' from muscular utilization to neural utilization for its purposes. Those purposes are from the transcendent insights we experience for ourselves in the moment.

I associate that insightful transcendence in-the-moment with what a fetus experiences ontologically in its development in its physical transcendence from a fertilized egg to a post-partum being. What occurred in the previous paragraph is when the being has reached that point in its development to be autonomously self-sufficient in its "emotional maturity" that its autonomy is a genuine free-agency of proactive options for itself. At this point it no longer relies primarily on its physical reliance on its kinetics or any other (technological) kinetics for what are its needs for basic physiological sustenance, but relies on the worm-hole short-cuts of cognitive insights.

This excerpt provides an alluding point to this speculation I'm proposing:                                             Ageing is associated with progressive decrease of homeostasis, often resulting in disruption of the physiological balance between host and commensal microbes, ultimately leading to dysbiosis and host demise. Generally, high microbial diversity is associated with health and a youthful state, while low individual microbial diversity and larger inter-individual microbial diversity is associated with ageing and disease states. Different species are equipped  with species-specific commensal, symbiotic and pathogenic microbial communities. How and whether the specific host–microbiota consortia co-evolved   with host physiology to ensure homeostasis and promote individual fitness remains an open question. In this essay, we propose that the evolution of vertebrate-specific immune adaptations may have enabled the establishment of highly diverse, species-specific commensurable microbial communities. We discuss how the maintenance of intact immune surveillance mechanisms, which allow discrimination between commensurable and pathogenic bacteria, fail during ageing and lead to the onset of known ageing-related diseases. We discuss how host–microbiota interactions are key to maintaining homeostasis despite external perturbations, but also how they affect a range of host-specific ageing-related phenotypes.

When the being has arrived at this point [and for discussion sake I will suggest what is known as the mid-life crisis years of the 40's] the being has chosen a more reflective than tangible kinetics acquisition. In doing so, the energy with the resulting wear-and-tear from the stress of kinetic activity on the body systems begins to reduce. When done in association with the related adjustments to the reduced "kinetic ingestion" of tangible and intangible substances that are irrelevant or objectively identified as adverse to the more optimal functioning of their holistic physical and mental functioning, the reduction of energy pays dividends on both the expanded consciousness and also the reduced physical wear other organ systems.

Just as in those time standing still 'precious moments', your aging process begins to slow relative to those of concurrent ages to you. You have the similar appearance said of black women, who similarly-due to social conditions-hadn't participated in the more indulged activities that produced the wear-and-tear as her white counter-parts. [Not as distinct today with the more ubiquitous common acculturation of the last two generations of all races and classes in greater licentious activity].

('Anywhoo'!) The reduction of kinetic operations to being minimalistically lesser than one's more focused reflective processes creates the appearance and increased vitality of a youthful status.


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