Unraveling of the @Biden political narrative

 Chart: Biden Approval Continues to Dip | Statista

 The fabricated narrative for Biden's nomination for his election as President is meeting its true reality. Biden got the nomination as an accommodation to the '#WhipClyburn effect' on the SC and Southern State primaries and those that came after them.

 The reality, as I perceive it, was that the non-progressives and non-status quo-moderates believed Biden's brand would be a better sell to the non-Trump Republicans than the more progressive and neophyte-unknowns challenging Biden for the nomination.
Whether or not the networks' media narratives want to state this, Biden's political decisions on encouraging less-restrictive masking requirements in late-May and June, the obvious 'whistling past the graveyard' claim that not only the Afghan forces could withstand a post-withdrawal Taliban offensive and there  would not be a replay of the Vietnam US Embassy departure, but that "No person would be left behind.." 
[ADDENDUM:August Stephanopoulos: “So no one told — your military advisers did not tell you, 'No, we should just keep 2,500 troops’...?" Biden: “No. No one said that to me that I can recall.” 
 Today McKenzie: "I recommended that we maintain 2,500 troops in Afghanistan."]
The feckless to shamefully amoral handling of migrants and refugges-HATIAN as well as Central American reflect the political thought and speak of the refuted past. Such declared narratives including bi-partisan willingness of not only the GOP-in toto, but Congressional Democrat solidarity is a daily embarrassment of for a narrative that should be shamefully chagrined by the optics of its futility.
It's the non-progressives and non-status quo moderates who see a replay of the rhetoric and style of the Obama and Clinton political techniques which went for political expedience than, at least, moral honesty, if not moral ethics in the promotion and response to issues that go beyond the hollow incrementalism of past Democrat offerings to its electoral base. 

My 'Emile Zola "J'Accuse!" ' of the promoted political narratives for the rationales given by and for the Biden Administration.



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