'Pursuit of the 'petite et grande accomplishments'-Karmic Imperatives


'petite et grande accomplishments'-Karmic Imperatives

[as an alternative to 'the pursuit of happiness']


It's taking care of the incidental, daily shit for which there's both a practical and ethical need for fulfilling, and also your obligatory and your aesthetic commitments and convictions. By doing so, you don't create a metaphysical-discontinuity that will eventually comeback to karmically bite you in 'the jewels' at the most untimely moment for your 'self'. Also, by doing so, your fulfilling that obligation to others and to your soul, separately or coincidentally jointly, plus you reinforce that threading path of consistent logic that will lead you to those aspirational ends you intentionally or unintentionally have sought.

If you honor both the 'petite' (the small) as well as the 'grande' (the great) imperatives, you'll avoid the snares of temporal foolishness of valuing some imperative needs over other imperatives. The frivolous and trivial, those things of little purposeful use or possession for meeting your basic needs, are valid things to have a bias discernment against.

In focusing upon and sticking to attending to both the tedious and the sublime requirements of the small and great imperatives, your life may not always be a convenience, but I would wager that in the grande scheme of things your life will be graced.



Those wanting a video-audio version of this text, respond to me in the comment box. 


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