Reconnecting with our inner-agency


 Reconnecting with our inner-agency


~Reconnecting with our inner-agency ~

What civilization has induced us to relinquish for the sake of cohesion 

(or an abstraction of adhesion) with others has drained us of the capability 

of being a portal or extension of a power that acts as an omniscient and 

omnipotent facilitator of fortuities. The process seems to be one of an 

affirmative attitude of demonstrated incidental declarative behavior 

done unsolicited and unconsciously by the subject. This state would imply 

an exterior mentoring force or an anointed state on the subject. 

The former would beg the question of ‘who are’ and ‘why would they’ be 

mentors. Both beg the question of a uniqueness unmerited by the 

contemporary mundane measures and standards for the individual 

in comparison with their contemporaries. With these suspicions, 

an alternative scenario of an inner mechanism that the subject triggers 

with their attitude comes to the fore. 

What process of dialectics helps to produce such results? That question 

brings us back full circle to the affirmative declarative behavior. 

For what? My experience has been that an a-priori affirmative 

expression of credence for the implicit or the explicit abstract ethos 

is the qualifier for the subsequent event. It comes at times of intense 

emotional self-awareness to the affront of some subjectively justifiable 

principle. One's conscientious coherence with the meta-forms of that 

principle's logic characterizes the precondition for the advent of grace 

of the serendipitous fortuity. These fortuities provide one with an 

autonomous agency from one's temporal circumstances as if they were 

of no further consequence. This occurs in the absence of external 

dynamics of other externalities beyond your own cognitive 

phenomenology of comprehension and understanding. 

The sensual needs of one's social existence are coincidental to casually 

and incidentally circumstantial in their reduced importance. One's 

focus becomes a gradual if not immediate minimization of engagement 

with externalities except in the most transactionally expeditious 

circumstances. The introspective reclusiveness of being more 

monastically-centered on the basis of conserving one's visceral energy 

for one's non-kinetic, meditative, and somnolent states becomes 


The visceral energy conservation enables a more acutely perceivable 

cognizance of the phenomenology of those non-kinetic cognizance 

of one's meditative and somnolent states. With those states of mind 

being one's 'daily bread', one doesn't emotionally drain one's energies 

for the distractions of mundane, pedestrian interactions and spectacles. 

The husbandred energy and redirected energy provides both the 

conditions and for the operational structure of the advantageous 

fortuities, when their moment of justification arrives. 

The power of this, socially, is more coincidental and indirect. Either 

as co-beneficiaries of the fortuities of serendipitous grace or 

observers of that grace, or 2nd and 3rd hand recipients of the gospel 

of that grace: what was meant as a specific philanthropy for one 

becomes the radiated beneficence for those along the path of the 

radiated transmission's anecdotal blessing. Fortuity comes as 

an apprehension and a justifiable conscientious devotion to an attitude, 

engendered from an acute emotional experience of the soul. 

The acute emotional experience derives from a benign-if not 

virtuous innocence-and one's coherence to the point of 

estrangement and disaffection with one's temporal trappings. 

In that emotional and cognitive, monastic separation, one becomes 

the portal for one's development of a psyche that has been acquired. 

In the regained energy of an aware, centered self-identity the 

subject becomes a receptacle of a dynamic that can project the 

ethos of what it apprehends in moments of intense emotional 

agitation for those ethos. In being so, the person becomes a 

resource node of a raw "cosmic" energy for other's apprehension 

of the possibility of their own conscientious agency.. In doing that 

and being that initiating link in a chain reaction for the beginnings 

of a critical mass of consciousness for the proverbial 

'100 Monkey (cognitive) Leap'.


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