Resolution to "DYSTOPIA"

 Resolution to "DYSTOPIA"

Resolution to "DYSTOPIA" happens despite temporal measures of avoidance. We'd have to make the necessary realignment to the 'Eternal Order' by re-orientating our emotional, cognitive, and behavioral faculties. Emotions strongly influence the cognitive and the behavioral. Those latter have a feedback influence on the emotional. The emotional is based on security and comfort. Emotional comfort and security is based upon the materialistic tangible and intangible supportive trappings. Cognitive priorities and the derived behavioral expression consequently seek those tangible and intangible trappings.

Dystopia exists because the maldistribution of the tangible and intangible in a just and equitable manner based on needs of the holistic aggregation. Distribution has not been based on basic needs, but indulgence, psychological dependence, and avarice. 

Materialism is designed for the functional operations, not the aesthetic, superfluous wants and desires of our carnal drives. The functional operations are for the neurological connections of the intellect's collating, associating, and organizing incoming data for prospective logical patterns. The logical patterns are the threads that build the networks of articulation of acknowledgement, understanding, and comprehension for extending the perimeters of knowledge and consciousness. Those extensions enable trans-corporeal perceptions. The trans-corporeal is not only temporal, abstract reflection and speculation, but in sleep/dreams/meditations, the non-engaged, 'vegetating' intellect is recreating in non-secular dimensions. Those dimensions can be parallel, alternative, past-or-future. 

The latitude of the intellect's dimensional potential makes it a greater faculty than the carnal body, which is circumscribed to a time and a place. That's why I assert that the body is the logistical supply depot for the mind than its inciting predicate. Having the body as the subordinate facilitator for the mind implies that the mind's somnolent and non-engaged periods of activity have more importance than its secular duties with the body. The activity of the intellect, aka 'the mind', in its non-secular, nor temporal duties becomes significant. Freeing the mind of the superfluous attention-time in temporal events increases its recreational time in the other noted dimensions. 

That recreational time gives more diversified variety than the dimensions of touch, sight, smell, taste, and hearing. The diversified variety produces the para-/supra-normal data for the intellect's, collation, association, and organizing for its unique logic threads. That facility being universally available gives people more options than those inherently limited by the circumscribed material state of options, causing the nihilistic options and conditions of our present dystopia.   


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