In the realms of perceptual cognitive anarchy


In the realms of perceptual cognitive anarchy

the sociopathic and the psychopathic conditions expand the margins of credibility

This has the effect of opening avenues of mind travel that have a credible parallel or alternate vision for what could be the engager’s cognitive reality. A sociopath-or-psychopath is traditionally thought of as persons with little to no regard for the values or norms of their surrounding culture. The sociopath being the more consciously manipulative, while the psychopath could be the more predatory indifferent and nihilistic of the consequences of their actions. In contrast to the sociopath who’d have a specific reason and goal for their actions.

If  that perspective of those behaviors are extrapolated to a political or criminal-justice arena, persons would face apprehension and penalties for abusing the boundaries of acceptable behavior and decorum. In a setting of perceptual, cognitive anarchy, partisans of whatever viewpoints: the emotional affinity of sympathetic agreement is the implicit license for the public principals' results to be the conduits for their own cathartic sympathies of pursuit-without having to be associated with the principal's means of attaining those ends. It's a nice mental gymnastics of self-justification and rhetorical contortions. 


As benign sociopaths in the license of their own culturally anomalous and aggregate bias, and they claiming innocence by their self-righteous justification of views on the abstract results of the questionable ethics and morality of the sociopath principles-of-their- means of catharsis is their escape hatch from what could be observed as a cognitive dissonance.  In this way they can deny any breach of civil order by their principles' avatars of those cathartic-for-them results.

The group, plus the aggregate psychopathology that exists in a culturally presumptive smugness of indifference is detached from the amoral operations of their implicit agents of that group’s social-pathology. When challenged by a counter-narrative of  a contentious pathology, it becomes part of a societal cognitive anarchy. 


In that anarchy values become relative and ambiguous on the front lines of the contentions between the two social pathologies. Only the ‘fait accompli’ of either socio-pathic agents redefine the former ambiguities.

It is in this civil anarchy that the detached and disaffected iconoclast of their own socio-pathic (or less likely psychopathic) tendencies perceptually envisions their own logic matrix. Due to the flaws, paradoxes, and foibles in the macro-society, the iconoclastic-sociopath sees their own morally relative rationale. That rationale excludes and purges the former social mores' standards of behavior. What replaces the former data of coherence are the collection of formerly viewed anecdotal data. The phenomena that has coalesced in a greater manifested consistency of empirical benefit for the actor than the former data. The replacing new datasets stronger, empirical manifestation, that's in affirmation from its abstracted state, anoints its with more credibility for the actor than the prior homilies and values of the societal paradigm.

When this new data  provides a more compelling ontological narrative for one’s being and purpose, then a ‘new testament’ of logic has made its advent. These new testaments give options for self-defining one’s secular role vis a vis one’s iconoclastic sociopathy of self-determination than the herd thinking that led to the social, cognitive anarchy. That liberation of thinking, self-identifies with what is labeled by others as sociopathic. 

For the actor, what others label them is moot, since the actor sees their own mind (and probably similar others) as transcending the body’s carnality by being able to engage in compelling activity in other holographic surreal dimensions. Plus, the actor has recognized the origins of the previously perceived ad hoc surrealism as the portals where the mind can access beyond the temporal-secular  matrix.

Thus, the socially perceived cognitive anarchy is the cracked egg shell from which a new birth may inseminate itself into other wombs of gestative consciousness.


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