Physics of the visceral frequency channels of the physiology


 Oxford Science Blog | University of Oxford

Is it the content or the physical agitation from the form of the structural architecture that precipitates structural change? Or is it the content's interactions with its receptor? At higher levels of physiological visceral frequency, the subject encounters a signal reception that not only disrupts their cognitive configurations of meaning to the point of incoherence, but their environs are subject to the radiation patterns from the eruptions of their psyches beyond their carnal frame.

The resulting effects from the interactions in congruence with the resonance of their physiological frequency and its sensitivity to a proximal or an interactive external frequency with theirs, produces an amplification of their transmitted signal beyond its designed range.. This would imply that certain mental states of manifestation of our emotions can predispose us to greater projected amplifications of our subconscious intent into our shared phenomenological eco-network. The mental projections with the most dynamic effect dominate. That domination takes on a temporal content narrative, but is, also, just the generic physics energy of the chemical engagements within that locale. 

Depending on the evolved historical context of that locale's aggregated components subjects' dynamics, the energy will form the tangible representation of that aggregate's contemporaneous state.  That representation will be its matrix equilibrium structure for it , until a greater and more profound energy, manifested aggregate changes the functional structure of that matrix-the proverbial irresistible force encountering the supposedly immovable object. 

The profundity of that energy that DOES alter a settled, equilibrium matrix network ,  emphasizes the significance of the version of higher amplitude and frequency of energy needed to disturb the supposedly settled bonds of the matrix's equilibrium. One only can speculate on the nature of the energy dynamics that coalesced by whatever serendipitous circumstances to disrupt the previous on-going dialectic that had sustained the matrix's prior structure.

One could presume that there's an ontological baseline and marginal boundaries for the expansion and growth within the temporal or holistic network. What are the actual boundaries that shouldn't be exceeded? What energy forms provide the optimal congruence and affinity to the ontological boundaries of the network? 

Is our secular, civil matrix a restraining confinement of our potential energy manifestation? If so, what would be the means of determining what superfluous and excessive secular structures are responsible for the energy waste, ontologically? Would the noted aspects of the aesthetics of an increased empirical vitality be congruent and consistent with our ontological DNA-potential or would it be relative in a temporal juxtaposition to the time and place of its occurrence? Is there a mutual exclusivity between our secular performance and its manifestations and the nonsecular function of the energy we produce and transmit?

The non-secular function of our energy production is the efficient symbiotic to synergistic application of the energy expression within the holistic matrix. Energy production that is in incongruity to adverse to the holistic matrix is the excrement waste for the system, even if its subjective or secular expression is functional within the humanistic, temporal mode. 

Ergo, there are secular-temporal margins and holistic margins that can be mutually exclusive and irrelevant, plus dysfunctional towards each other. The existence of distinctive, functionally different, cross-purposing realms of energy production of temporal and holistic existence points out what would be the spectrum of energy forms and their aesthetic processes and product realms, plus their probable limitations. The tangible and intangible effects on the individual would be a zero-sum equation, since the energy investment in both or either the one or the other would define the limits personally achievable.  The individual's effect within the temporal or holistic systems corresponds to the 'nature' of that subjects energy form in that environment. The efficiency from the similarity of the energy form within either of the environments would increases the efficacy of its efforts. One's energy production done for external accommodation for a temporal situational fabrications or one's internal coherence to the natural affinities could produce similar looking forms with different energy potential levels.  

Those energy levels more aligned with the holistic ontology will provide a greater functional longevity for the subject, since it would be aligned with their ontological design. Concurrently, those holistic energy forms have their autonomous existence-per se, as well as the transactional interaction with the temporal forms. The transactional interactions are the incidental mundanities from sharing the same spatial domain.The autonomous existence comes from those sui generis forms that are cannibalized from the anomalous events of temporal experience. 

Besides the friction from the kinetic interactions with temporal forms, there is the radiation osmosis between the ontological and the temporal contact. Like any radiation, there will be systemic effects to the subject and its protagonist in their interaction. To the degree that one's organized energies are more substantively profound in their amplitude and frequency than the others energy organization, those energies will maintain their form and function.

Humanistic fabrications are sets and subsets of provincial heterodoxy off the holistic template. Their primary function, being self-serving gravitations, have engendered castes of energy shells, much like the classical description of an atom. The function of the caste shells operates similarly to the atom's electron energy shells by qualifying the elemental nature of the shell's operations. Plus, the caste nature of the shells acts as both formal and informal barriers for those existing within those shells for the controlling center of those shells.

Those persons who operate much like the anomalous, sub-atomic particles of quantum physics have both a nihilistic and holistic potential in how they can destroy the network fabrics in a dystopian manner or create fabric in a symbiotic or synergistic manner. To create, they first must be cognizant of their liberated energy potential as they unburden themselves of those behavioral paradigms which gravitate them to restrained and ossified positions of thought that repress the figurative inspiration for alternative perspectives. Inspirational perspectives allows for those insights for the liberated intuitive leaps of logic. That allows for the more innovating abstractions to potentially connect different structural forms into an architecture that allows for more versatile and flexible operations of energy.

The more dynamically versatile and flexible the mass, the more it may orient itself for the perspectives and postures to engage, receive, and transmit its energy expression for others interpretation, utilization, and transmission in more sublime and profound frequency channels.


'Never expect anything good from an asshole' 
~Tiger-Year Virgo 8/24~ 
(nickel-n-dime me) 'For Life and its Vitalities'



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