Timelessly Connected
Timelessly Connected
I’ve wondered about the source of my serendipities and synchronicities often. At one time I DID think that I had personal mentors, who were the spirits of deceased people, I personally knew of or knew. I dismissed that notion. I considered that even with persons with whom I had affectionate sympathies were still present after my soul departed this realm, I’d be drawn primarily to the indefinite expanses and realms of the Abstract-(Multi-)Verses than I’d tie myself to the daily dramas of those left behind in this UNIverse for any extended time after departing my mortal status.
I had yet to consider that there would be multi-parallel time dimensions. My dreams hinted of this by the so contemporary and realistic characters I was encountering. Most of those characters I had no previous direct connection, or were they symbolic composites of those I did know. Yet they inhabited the space in my dreams as persons-with-an-existence-like-me beyond this dream setting.
Then when these mass demonstrations of sociopathic, amoral audacity and indifference occurred, I thought that, “beyond the contemporary and highly justified outrage of the actors in the street, what if the energy driving them were contributions of those across dimensional spaces and Times who had sympathetic and empathetic affinity with the emotional vibrations the contemporaneous ‘mortals’ were transmitting by the dynamics of their angst?”.
I had been a proponent of transmission and reception of the emotional wavelengths of energy we continually produce as being part of we being logistical, organic telemetry units supplying the holistic ‘Mothership Origins’ with data from our afferent and efferent sensory operations. Now I was expanding the sets of those doing the same thing as we carnal Earth-pods to literally other‘Be-ings’ in different Time and spatial concurrent dimensions in a ‘Flat-Time’ existence.
The permutations of possible scenarios abounded indefinitely in their possibilities! As more various than the settings of my dreams, these worldly-dimensions compose a blueprint of an amorphous matrix. The network of this matrix is composed of multitudinous nodes (we carnates and incarnates) of any matter of traceable energy of note. There is a substance media in which these nodes are suspended in juxtaposition with each other.
With a more organized filtering reception tuner, they’d pick up the more subtle signals passing through their environment, and beagle to aggregate and organize a different analysis, interpretation, and resolved plan of action than those whose tuners are not as nuance organized for subtle signal reception.
With such an organization, one wouldn’t need the critical, temporal mass of the gravitas of a precipitated situation, whose weighty presence would be a natural physics draw affecting and attracting other dimensions to that locale. When that occurs, the confluence of dimensional spectra of dynamics in that convocation would find the amplified sympathetic and empathetic resonance with the host transmitter of that critical mass transmission.
For the full text plus supplemental video, contact this 'OP' for information on that.
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