Other THAN....(!!)
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Other than being within the paradigms of having a social orientation about your position to externalities-and any inclusion of sociopath behavior-there is an android state of inner-directed, impulsive intuitively, programmed consciousness. In that state, devoid of the psycho-babble of cultural and social communications, there’s the processing of explicit and subliminal data, which provides the context for the triggering of essential, obligatory, minimalist-imperative responses for the maintenance and the sustaining of the organic-self, the receiver-transmitter component of the cosmic organism of which you’re its extension.
As a component of ‘The Cosmic Holistic Organism’, when you’re in a mostly operational and dedicated mode; there’s a telemetry transference and reception from and to your intellectual and visceral cognizance in its interfacing and interactions with the environmental field of signals back to-and-from the holistic ‘organism’. Those ‘signals’ have little-to-nothing to do with the peripheral dramas to the extraction of the required and operationally necessary focus-of-the-moment for that transmission and its logistical maintenance and sustenance that makes the transmission possible.
As a logistical android, your transmissions, via your cognitive apprehending and their emotive energy modifications that morph into a subconscious telemetry signal, which is sent in its butter-fly effect out to the environs of others receiving and processing organs. The meta-effects of that transmission excretes a contextual, reference data for the cosmic organism’s edification of its holistic whole by its branched extensions (Your ‘sibling’, co-transmitters) processing. This collective web of effects is cosmic in its dimensional reach in both time and space.
Our relationship to the other humanistic android species is more coincidental, as was our coital conception and fetus-birthing. Our origins come from a composite of circumstances that for better or worse arrived at the physical confluence of our immediate progenitors. Their history is your history by your surname name only. Your technical history began as a fetus and then the post-partum relational bonds you’ve encountered. The union that created your consequent conception had more to do with the incidental proximity of resonating energies’ reactions to their mutually-sympathetic activities within an intense empathetic awareness of their irresistible responses to the moment. What “choreography” of self-conscious, social programming that enabled such coital-ling was coincidentally intuitive to their mutually complementary and contributory activities that brought them to that interfacing of that proximity.
In fact, the serendipitous aspect of that consequential eventuality of intuitive inevitability derives from the ethos of life coming to them in their unwitting receptiveness, than seeking to fabricate an intentional result. After realizing how ‘life comes to you’, than you needing to seek your ambitions, fame, and fortune; you do make conscious adjustments consistent with the noted, historical patterns of those serendipitous life advents.
The efforts for seeking a fabrication is part and parcel of the commoditization materialism of ‘socialization’. The preconditioned qualifications for a specific ends, as the basis for the standards of inclusion or exclusion for a desired aesthetic is the distinguishing characteristic of this commodifying, socially-oriented, materialistic order.
In contrast, the former ethos of letting life ‘come to you’ is more self-than-other manipulated motivation. The self-directed and self-motivated person’s focus is aimed at a consciousness to an obligatory conscientiousness to the ethics of their conscience’s hints-to-concessions of what is perceived as an unavoidable duty to be done, before any further self-congratulatory esteem may be claimed as an entitled indulgence.
As a result, the process, not the ends (that are given an equinaminous attitude-whether good or bad) is the rod-and-staff of one’s measure of what and how the priorities of imperative importance become perceived. The ‘priority of importance’ is an admittedly psychopathic subjectivity with a benign sociopathic-estrangement from the contemporaneous social milieu.
The aforementioned conscientiousness to the process of your applied ethics has rendered you more flexible and iconoclastic compared to your contemporaries. Your energies are focused and no longer dissipating on peripheral concerns that agitate your emotions, draining off your energy and diverting your focus. The conserved, non-dissipated, emotional energy is economically directed to the dimensions of your imperative’s focus. That focus enables you to have a greater awareness and comprehension of the past, present, and potential variables in your cognitive field of experiences. Being more sensitive to the nuanced changes in your perceptual field gives you more depth on the capabilities of one’s processes recognizing diverse optional directions to direct your conscious intent.
More than enhancing the temporal prowess of your cognitive faculties and creating a base for ‘a more perfect, holistic, ecological communion’, there is the ultra-imperative of the manifestations of the sublimely intense soul. That sublime intensity of the soul is witnessed anecdotally, mundanely, and temporally in the excellence and genius of thought and performance of the ingenues of time and history. When the mind and body both share a congruence of intent in their expression, that is the phenomenon of the legendary powers of the individual ultra-expression. Though not of the comic book, action movie hero genre, but similar in its intangible, non- physical effects that have been depicted in the involuntary conversion of David Banner into ‘The Hulk’ by this acute emotional triggering.
That congruence of the body and its soul meta-being is more a technical synergy and synchronization between the mechanics of the body and the intent of the soul. Think of it as an honest coherent, self-acknowledgement, and embracing who you are operationally. That synchronized, coherent congruence of self-perception and sincere, honest projection in one’s manifested actions gives that person a multiplying, ambient effect-an enveloping circumstantial force. Those circumstances aren’t conceived or premeditated consciously by the individual, but are representative of that individual’s easily recognizable and unmistakably identifiable characteristics. At times, the individual would be the only witness to give testimony of that ‘evidence’. There are ad-hoc, random events, when second-person witnesses can account for the phenomena associated with that person. These phenomena seem to align with some animistic, benign and at least symbiotic, natural order. Also, these circumstances are an ultra-expression, which gives credence to the individual for other than a paradigmatic dimension of an externally oriented, objectivist, materialistic, and temporally reductive outlooks subordinate to any parochial, social credo model for individual or mass social behavior.
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