Cats as "naturalized" extra-terrestrial invaders!

"It's plausible that the ancient [domestic cat] lineages were present in the wildcat populations 
back as far as 70,000 or 100,000 years ago," said study co-author Stephen O'Brien of the 
National Cancer Institute in Frederick, Maryland.
The wildcats may have been captured around 10,000 or 12,000 years ago when humans were
 settling down to farming, he added.
"One of nearly 40 wild cat species existing at that time, the little wildcat that lived in the 
Middle East had a genetic variance that allowed it to sort of try an experiment—let's walk 
in and see if we can get along with those people," O'Brien said.
“..."This tells us that domestic cats were sort of widely recruited, probably over time and space,
" Driscoll said.
But people probably weren't going out and catching—or herding—cats.
"The cats just sort of domesticated themselves. People today know that you can't keep a cat 
inside [without barriers], and 10,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent you couldn't just shut
the window."
Farmers were likely the first to domesticate wildcats. The animals may have been helpful in 
hunting mice and other pests that plagued farm fields in the early human settlements, which 
had just sprang from the first agricultural development….” 
[Even with this description, the best researchers came up with was some fossil
remains and associations with the neolithic-Fertile Crescent civilizations. 
Other than that, cats appeared to spontaneously spring up from  
this to their domestic counterparts]
This has me asking, WHAT IF the domestic feline was the chosen 
creature for colonizing extra-terrestrial. Outside of the felines 
eagerness to go after any critter or thing, smaller than it, which 
moves across their senses, ‘domestic cats’ (here forward to be called 
“cats”) are served by we, their nominal masters, than they being of 
any occupational utility beyond the affects on us of their idiosyncratic 
Their presumptive behavior of entitlement, or their

legendary 9-lives, plus other noted anecdotals of their
has me wondering if they ARE a terrestrial-based species, 
and not some interlopers from space.

If so, we humans have been colonized in the most subtle of ways. 
If that being the case, the look of contempt we see on cats’ 
expressionsmay be a more profound self-understanding 
of themselves and their status vis-a-vis we humans, their de facto 


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