And Pilate turned and asked..

“What IS ‘real’ “
Having washed his hands of this discussion on such an ambiguity, he 
threw the towel with which he’d been drying his hands on the floor 
as he turned and walked away from the discussion…

“How could they be so smugly presumptuous on such a relative point 
of perspective?”, he muttered under his breath..

This is where we find ourselves, arguing over rhetorical language, 
quantum mechanics which defy the contemporaneous consensus of 
place and time beyond the honest, mutual transaction of a meeting 
and agreement of minds. Otherwise, at best reality is a subjective, 
group-as well as individual, illusion; at worst, the delusional denial 
for the preferred myth or fantasy…

Despite what has been proffered, previously, on this topic; I am 
asserting that “reality” as it exists for the pedestrian mind is a 
consensual illusion of convenience to expedite the incidental 
mundanities. ‘True Reality’ is the intervention of a superordinate, 
empiricism which changes the previous premises of the collective 
illusion. That true-reality derives from an equity of ethical balance. 
That balance’s ethics being either the symbiotic or synergistic 
transactional process of equivalent results for the participants. 
The ultimate end result would be a balanced stasis, until another 
external force disrupts that stasis. Then the process of 
re-establishing and ethical balance begins again.

Within that process is the dynamisms of the illusionary and the 
delusional.. The reconciliation and rectification of the illusions and 
delusions is the pathos of the process, which temporally has been 
accepted as the presumed structure and state of reality. IT IS NOT.

Much as the subatomic particles existence in a state of potentiality
-to-becoming, so are we-analogously and fractally-in that 
metamorphic process in the grand view of our granular component 
activities. Our corporeal form and its logistical actions are not the 
end-all or purpose of our existence. That form and its operations 
are to supply that frequency of neural activity that would become 
the prime instrument of nourishment for the corporeal organism so 
that it is more independent and liberated from its carnal logistics. 
The existence of chants, mantras, and the theologies based on the 
‘word of a divinity’ are the historical record of the attempts to 
have the mind as the conduit of our sustenance…

Though ‘the Many’ will praise their collectiveness for the progress 
of their organism, it is a vain misplacement of attribution on the 
collective’s intellectual architecture. In fact, it is by those 
individual-few who have reached that clarity in their cognitive field 
from the distractive phenomena of their temporal reality who find 
themselves able to perceive their sensory field and its subsequent 
processing via the near ascetic, minimization of their “needs” from 
the elective desires to the imperative  demands of the moment. 
By having their orientation focused on those imperative demands, 
they have freed their energies and liberated their attention towards 
the inner phenomena production forms of their mind than the 
external phenomena requiring mechanical kinetics.

In achieving that intensity of focus, they have come to realize that 
the mind is MORE THAN a platform for mental gymnastics and 
cognitive candy. It is a receiver and transmitter of signals, 
whose aggregation and organizing collation leads us to the 
‘Elysian Fields' of ‘’green pastures and still waters of insights of 
ourselves and of dimensions parallel to our carnal consciousness. 
Those insights and dimensions are we, the fractal extensions of 
cosmic matter, creating the further extensions of being in the 
frontiers of our own fractal conceptions of ourselves. We are 
the ‘Black Hole’ universe of other black hole universes which can 
and may extend reality from its provincial physicality to its 
metaphorical, metaphysical, and metamorphic potential in which 
‘Our Lord’, our cognitive processes “prepare a table before thee” 
for our entering its realms in appreciative thanks-giving and praise, 
by blessing in our devotions its beneficence.-Amen
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