Anything that relies on the virtue-goodness-honesty is whistling past the graveyard of history

Me/the OP
Particularly w/AMERICAN materialistic greed and avarice. Whether capitalism or socialism; be it private or public, there will be those who for the power position they hold, the wealth they could get, or the apologist loyalty to the glaring short-comings will take advantage for the short-term gains of and for the present status.
Whether it is an institutional design or just some venal asshole in an institution, the American character on a macro-level regarding "others"-not personally connected or relevant to them-will be indifferent to the adverse consequences befalling others if not aggrandizing upon others for self-serving rationales.
North America and its blinders mentality look at everything with a 3-5 year plan while the rest of the free world is more farsighted ...

Ain't capitalism grand lol!!!
Life is a zero sum game. That's just an existential truth about living. Whether you have the most freedom available to you while within a capitalist society or you're forced to work towards a common good in an authoritarian society.

You gain nothing in this life without taking it from someone else. Even the most philanthropic of people would have to have taken an opportunity or twelve from some other people; you cannot give a shirt off of your back if you've got no shirt.

My advice is to not be envious or resentful of the successful. My advice is to find a shirt.
Hell, find two.
I disagree with not being able to gain without taking it from someone else. That's a criminals logic. Paying your own way and working for what you get in this life, because it doesn't matter what you got in the end, graves only come in one size.
But how do you get the capital you use to pay your own way?
You've got a job or a career, right? Do you honestly think that no one else wanted what you have, that they didn't work just as hard, or maybe even harder? In the end you took what you felt you earned, and you don't feel any remorse for it, and I'm not saying you should.

It's not criminal. It's how nature works. Human beings are a part of that nature. There isn't anything criminal about succeeding in Social Dominance Hierarchy. There is a difference between taking and stealing; if you steal bread you're a thief, but if you take bread offered to you you're not.

Even graves are zero sum. Your body isn't the only one that could have been in that hole. Another could have filled the same place. In the end all the matters is the zero quotient you have. You start from zero, and you end there too.
That doesn't matter nearly as much as what you do between. Starting and ending is comparatively meaningless if you built something in the meantime.

However, no one can ever build anything of value alone. Even a human personality is an amalgamation of memes chosen by natural selection within a person's culture. Part of being an individual is criticism, and if you criticize your thoughts, ideals, and ideas, you can learn what works best for you, so that you can help the people that you want the best for.

My statement was not meant to dismiss anyone's hard work or to say that everyone is a criminal. It was meant to convey that life is meant to be a struggle, and it is a struggle. I wouldn't change it either.
Me, the OP
Could it be put that life is an 'I-Ching' of engagements of potentialities? For many it's s reflection of one's incidental pursuits encountering the coincidentals of location and time. Thus, not so much zero-sum, though it may seem so subjectively by an actor; but it's more a fortuitous confluence of tributaries of intersecting actions.

My thesis, in regards to any 'great expectations' via some established standard of ethics or morality of others, asserts that such "correct" (<--I had to reach for that term instead of using "rectitudinous"!)  aesthetics have less effectuality in accountability the more a person is detached from their personal organic relationships (and sometimes, not even with them!). Therefore, the individual should, I think, recognize that there is a point at which they either join the striving in the rat-race to get the things for which they'd have some relative satisfaction viz a viz what others do have, or set an organic minimalism of necessity for themselves independent of the culture of the rat-race.
 Could it be put that life is an 'I-Ching' of engagements of potentialities? For many it's s reflection of one's incidental pursuits encountering the coincidentals of location and time. Thus, not so much zero-sum, though it may seem so subjectively by an actor; but it's more a fortuitous confluence of tributaries of intersecting actions.

My thesis, in regards to any 'great expectations' via some established standard of ethics or morality of others, asserts that such "correct" (<--I had to reach for that term instead of using "rectitudinous"!) aesthetics have less effectuality in accountability the more a person is detached from their personal organic relationships (and sometimes, not even with them!). Therefore, the individual should, I think, recognize that there is a point at which they either join the striving in the rat-race to get the things for which they'd have some relative satisfaction viz a viz what others do have, or set an organic minimalism of necessity for themselves independent of the culture of the rat-race.
======================Me, continuing...=================================
@Arquebus came closest at the point I'm intending to make... Beyond a zero-sum or bi-polar option in materialism, I am indirectly alluding to organic minimalism. If one seeks more than that, #Arquebus' (A)and #WeBeDragons' (WBD) comments are in the lane that you're seeking. ("WTF!", I am asking @30263. (DM-me, if it's that important to explain). Having finished that, indulge me in the following elaboration...

As (A) noted, "You gain nothing in this life without taking it from someone else..". Yet, It can be a benign symbiotic exchange. But as 'A' noted and 'WBD' editorialized, in the rat-race there are the "haves" and the "have-nots", particularly so in the loosely regulated American economic markets where cannibalizing and scavenging for the short term-leveraged advantage exists. As a result there is the rhetorical paradigm between the polar positions of free-markets and "monitored' markets over the control of the distribution of commodities and of the wealth from the distribution of the commodities..

I am asserting that beyond an organic minimalism (the circumscribed use of commodities for one's sustenance and the commodity's renewal-editors defintion) one is 'taking a bite into the apple' or 'depending on the approximate and analogous justification by extended logic of 'if it is so for such-a, then it should be good for such-b' as one's on-going rationale, which has, IMNHO, brought us to the aforementioned inevitable bi-polarity.

BUT WITHIN THE ORGANIC MINIMALISM, which for ALL of us borders too much on the immediate intangible and altruistic benefits, there comes a point of esoteric focus of mental and physical energy that it matters little, short of the bolt of lightning or the improbable meteor-hit, because the homilies of "if it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger" and "when one door closes another opens" applies-to give the simplified operation of serendipity and synchronicity ('S-n-S'). With S-n-S one exists as our critter cousin, the cockroach, exists-in the mindset of "Whatever!". It can still be "Interesting, but not in the least bit funny" or "another Murphy's Law Day for you", but your intensity of purpose is the symbiotic and synergistic equivalent of the solar-metaphor (of your 'radiation of being' is the vitalizer) that is THE material difference...

Sorry to say, "It's NOT about us", but how we react in our consciousness to the "Whatever!".
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Could it be put that life is an 'I-Ching' of engagements of potentialities? For many it's s reflection of one's incidental pursuits encountering the coincidentals of location and time. Thus, not so much zero-sum, though it may seem so subjectively by an actor; but it's more a fortuitous confluence of tributaries of intersecting actions.

My thesis, in regards to any 'great expectations' via some established standard of ethics or morality of others, asserts that such "correct" (<--I had to reach for that term instead of using "rectitudinous"!)  aesthetics have less effectuality in accountability the more a person is detached from their personal organic relationships (and sometimes, not even with them!). Therefore, the individual should, I think, recognize that there is a point at which they either join the striving in the rat-race to get the things for which they'd have some relative satisfaction viz a viz what others do have, or set an organic minimalism of necessity for themselves independent of the culture of the rat-race.


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