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Le Renegade

As a cultural ‘outlaw’ to the present social choreography followed in posturing (and self-serving ) enabling subornation of data, self-serving S.O.B.'s posturing obedience to arrive at their self-righteous juxtaposition of rhetoric, if not status, in their demeanor towards others. Their self-serving ways for that image enables what we see on the macro-social and political level of posturing and their pontificating towards others for whom they’re supposed to provide governmental service for their citizenry.

That same abuse of position and service, I could speculate is what these private-citizen’s pontificating posturing is used for as an emotional extortion by   'the Pontificators  on those who are emotionally and materially dependent upon these self-righteous, sanctimonious posturers.

It is for me practically organic to naturally be the consciously out-of-step “outlaw” to these choreographic precepts, since they are an imposed, chafing exoskeleton, not as easily molted as the process a snake or other such critters would do to get rid of things that they have outgrown as figuratively and literally no longer  ‘fitting’ moltings    for them.

As much as I am banned and castigated in proforma reactions for my socially frowned upon expressions, I find it amazing how consciously childlike they are in their obedience to proven and quite fallible paradigms for which they compound in their doubling-down on the myths, if not giving half-assed apologetics for the failings of the myth. Oh, how they  clutch each other in an incestuous group   cluster-fuck, and they   think in the presumptuousness of their smug consensus-more like a scared flock..

My renegade heresies of actions is more from the affirming cognitive phenomena of an ever-aggregating alternative narrative, which goes back  and affirms a dream which I thought applied to my circumstances, but now appreciate its broader relevance, in light of this post at this time.

The herding and corralling of folks at social media sites-much as the herds in the cattle trucks outside the Omaha slaughterhouses of bloody handed guilt are so similar to those cattle trucks occupants and their future slaughterhouses. Those social media sites in being so hypocritical and duplicitous in their ethical standards for their users to keep them in line for “community standards”, just like cattle at the slaughterhouses are ripped apart, so also these social media manipulators can rip their users off of whatever initiative of empowerment they had prior to those sites.

What goes on on the social media sites also  mirrors what’s happening to the wage workers who are corralled by their employers under terms of employment docility to restrict their agency to an agenda of these Neo-plantationists. I see that my dream of a ‘foreign enemy’ was the avatar for these captors and sub-doers of free-thinking and expression suppression, which the mass of people in various way impotently and ineffectually reduce themselves for their desires they see as a material privilege..(No wonder con men could come along  and promise people a status of privilege He says it all , which the masses believe could be and should be delivered to them in some delusional entitlement!).

In the meantime the signs and symbols of truth and virtue, which have gone back millennia in many cases, as well as the contemporaneous sensory signals of metaphoric and symbolic meaning, are found in the mundane manifestations of synchronistic, serendipitous events that are otherwise  triflingly banal in their manifestation in our conscious, carnal interactions.

But it was that greater affinity to these affirmations that began the estrangement from the more fallible narrative of the materiality of temporal and secular consensus compared to the intangible    universe of possibilities  of  the ‘outlaw attitude ’ that happened.The intangibles are the proto-tangibles for the present and coming reality. The atmospherics of the intangible aesthetics come from the connections feeding the subconscious. Those connections of the virtual past and preconceived future, and from one’s individual experience become the improvised forms  the imagination provides for the artistic creational experience in those synchronistic and serendipitous manifestations.

Because of this and much like the 'El Banditos' in movies who sneer at the need for the trappings of authority and their ” stinking badges ”, so it’s become with me and my needs as the temporal master-of-my-time to have little more than begrudging regard for the attempts of social usurpation to determine who I can be outside of the transactions for the necessities of basic sustenance. Even to the  point of eschewing the consumerist solicitations by which the ‘marketers of desires’ seek to capture for further commercial monetary gains on their customers’ indulgences.

Even when I could be identified with a group it was as internally anarchic in structure as a quantum anarchic  DNA phenomena. Because we ARE in essence the  macro-versions of the nano. Instead of the  “As above, so below ”, it is more “ As the nano, so the macro!”. To that thought perspective I base my prospective intentions as estranged from those who exist for being a part of a top-down hierarchy of imposed thought to which to be adhered or seen to be cohered.

Let others live in the consensus mantra of suggestive,  hypnotic homilies of group security and strength .  Just give me the incidental-to-random transactions of recognized mutual opportunity that come to my awareness as my ‘support network’ that is not in mental, let alone emotional, bondage to external agencies. 

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