Woodstock-Boomer Generation
Woodstock-Boomer Generation
Taking a re-evaluation of what it is to be a part of this
generation, which in the 60’s was known for
1967 Monterey Pop-Festival
Taking a re-evaluation of what it is to be a part of this
generation, which in the 60’s was known for
1967 Monterey Pop-Festival
the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention
, and
, now we are more
identified with jaded and corrupt
identified with jaded and corrupt
a few outstanding
public servants
, and
public servants
Just taking the 400-500,00
who were at Woodstock, ya think that it would be
representative and not an anomaly of our generation.
representative and not an anomaly of our generation.
Having known a few and their attitudes, being
at Woodstock was as much a self-indulgence of ‘Me-ism’,
as it was about being a part of a happening.
One could easily say that being part of
the Tea Party
movements of the Right or the Anti-Fa or
movements of
the Left are as much about the same kind of
self-righteous indulgence, as being part of the scenes
of the ‘60’s were. Though the Antifa or #MeToo
movements demographics may be 20 or so years younger,
than those of the Tea Party or MAGA movements, one
movements of the Right or the Anti-Fa or
the Left are as much about the same kind of
self-righteous indulgence, as being part of the scenes
of the ‘60’s were. Though the Antifa or #MeToo
movements demographics may be 20 or so years younger,
than those of the Tea Party or MAGA movements, one
could draw a rhetorical, if not genealogical,
connection to the protest and cultural movements
of the 60’s.
The idealism, granted with much naivete, I held
for the cultural aspects of Woodstock and the
Chicago Convention protests is more tempered now in
Chicago Convention protests is more tempered now in
my thinking that it exists in a few high-profile
possibly, more anonymous, locally isolated congregants
possibly, more anonymous, locally isolated congregants
thought would be an inevitable consequence.
I should’ve known better from the obvious
manifestations I dismissed as Ivy League
characteristics of regressive revisionism of what
I held as the ideals. But, from what I observed
as the motivation and barely concealed intentions
of the undergrads who matriculated to my college
after me; the returning Vietnam ‘short-timers’ at
my first military bases in the 1972-75 period;
the general, civilian, pedestrian mode of behavior
were at best no better
than the lip-service I’d see and hear from
‘Sunday-church service Christians’
-spectacle and catharsis indulgents. And wouldn’t
that be the more expected result, since the former
were just cultural extensions of the latter ‘being
at a church-service on Sunday’ crowd? At best,
there was always a superficial posturing, but for a
substantive ends that had nothing to do with my
take-away interpretation of how I idealistically
(and impractically) viewed and experienced the
late ‘60’s and early ‘70’s.
of the undergrads who matriculated to my college
after me; the returning Vietnam ‘short-timers’ at
my first military bases in the 1972-75 period;
the general, civilian, pedestrian mode of behavior
than the lip-service I’d see and hear from
‘Sunday-church service Christians’
-spectacle and catharsis indulgents. And wouldn’t
that be the more expected result, since the former
were just cultural extensions of the latter ‘being
at a church-service on Sunday’ crowd? At best,
there was always a superficial posturing, but for a
substantive ends that had nothing to do with my
take-away interpretation of how I idealistically
(and impractically) viewed and experienced the
late ‘60’s and early ‘70’s.
I’m confessing to myself that ‘the Clintons’
George ‘W’ & Jeb Bush
, and the
sexagenarians and septuagenarians
45-50 years later ARE the latter-day reflection of
the self-centered and self-serving opportunists we
were in the same way in our secular, self-righteousness,
when not near the levers of power in the
George ‘W’ & Jeb Bush
sexagenarians and septuagenarians
45-50 years later ARE the latter-day reflection of
the self-centered and self-serving opportunists we
were in the same way in our secular, self-righteousness,
when not near the levers of power in the
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