Organic & Virtual transactions-n-relations

Organic and Virtual
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The advent of our manifestation into this dimensional space does not conclude 
with our gestational development. The physical is only the logistical base. 
It has its necessary associations to establish so to support its physical presence. 
Within the interaction it receives affirming signals for further and future 
interactions for its physical maintenance and sustenance, yet that is not the total                    
development of its operational design.

The serendipities of time presented new options for an expanded operational 
potential. One of significant operational potentials is that of abstract, 
virtual concepts that are supplements and surrogates to the organic platform. 
In these extensional platforms there are the bases for trans-proximal, 
effectual tangibilities than the solely proximal locale cognitive field of 
interaction. So that being may exist beyond the primary sensory stimuli 
of sight, smell, touch, and hearing..  88

I didn’t consider that possibility seriously until my dream-world started 
being more than a smorgasbord of  thoughts and images from my kinetic 
world. ‘The Dream-for theRecord’ was the first of the narrative sagas. 
In it I was a proactive, protagonist than just a passive observer. 
Later dreams, such as ‘finding my way into a religious sanctuary, 
or encountering God-on-his-throne on
the hill to the e/o my junior high school at Westmoreland Ave., Harvard Pl.., 
and  Houston Ave.. Another dream had me walking down Cambridge Street 
in Syracuse, and hearing the network evening news reports of a tsunami 
which was scheduled to make a cataclysmic collision into the West Coast. 
Having missed the broadcast I went downtown to the corner of Salina and 
Jefferson Streets to the newspaper stand to read a late edition, front-page 
text editorial, which replaced the normal picture banner headline of the 
New York Daily News.

With these dreams of my 20’s and early 30’s, I not only began to accept 
having the receipt of such message-dreams, but those dreams became
more narrations that culminated in the ‘Gethsemane-like locale’ dream 
in 1996-of my mid-40’s. From these dreams I acquired the conviction 
that  either mentoring incarnates were communicating with me, or that 
my psyche is able to interact with my subconscious so to be able 
to communicate the sublime or the impending to me.

All of this prior to my access to the internet,
which provided a similar platform of virtual reality for me. The internet 
provided organic respondents than the purely virtual respondents of 
my dreams. As far as relationships, the internet respondents were as virtual 
in their non-tangible exchanges as were those in the dreams. 

People I encountered in email or on message boards or in chat rooms were 
no more substantial for me than those in my very vivid and graphic dreams. 
Since the dreams were so fortuitously serendipitous and synchronistic 
in supplying me with timely data, they were equivalent to anything I 
happened to acquire online and as informative as any tangible source.

The neurological phenomena of dreams became an important source, 
not only for their information, per se, but also for its  alter-dimensional 
perspective. Much similarly to the internets expanding my interaction 
to a significantly larger population and demographic, so was the effect 
of dreams. There was a parallel, but the not-yet connection of the
mutual function of these virtual information delivery platforms 
to my cognitive ability.. I was not circumscribed or restricted to locale or time, 
especially with the narrative and more abstract-to-ambiguous dreams.

My thinking developed as a consequence a more flexible and more virtual 
operational mode, as metaphors and analogies gained more literal credence 
than to what was previously ascribed to them. The words of people 
in my dreams that I know, I have known, or don’t know became accepted 
as direct messages than just indirect, cognitive inkblot, hints and clues 
derived from my mundane, pedestrian experience.

This is occurring concurrently with my being able to establish equally 
substantial interactions in these virtual realms as I have 
in the pedestrian realm. What is occurring with me is not 
my idiosyncratic experience, solely. In different modes others have come 
to a similar perspective by the intervention of external forces or 
from the arising of latent internal forces, consciously developed or 
indirectly triggered by anomalous or asymmetric events.

Besides my dreams, my own circuitous career path may have triggered 
those mentoring dreams as an alternative 
rabbit-hole for my choices.. My circuitous route gave me the opportunity to see 
the broad spectrum of life circumstances and choices for others own 
perspectives of thinking..

For example, my having a low draft number with no seriously conceived 
alternative to the impending service that was based on my social 
science-humanities studies made those studies the default standards 
by which I judged my actions, after-the-fact, even when those standards 
weren’t utilized in determining the judged actions. In being such, 
I was more empathetic with people, with whom I’d formerly  would have 
had a more estranged perspective-i.e.: street people, corporate types, 
manual laborers, franchise owners-n-managers, small business owners, etc..
Quite a few others, anecdotally exhibited similar behavior in coping 
with the circumstantial pressures of everyday life, and did the most feasible, 
no matter how seemingly expedient it may have been seen or judged 
in retrospect. There were the many street people I encountered, 
who to acquire what they saw as ‘necessary’ would go to any amoral means 
of which they’d give rationalizations for when rhetorically pressed.

Fellow service people in the military, whether of the more non-decorum 
Vietnam-era or the present-day marketed ‘warrior’ 
of the volunteer-service era, accommodated themselves to what or whomever 
were those with the quasi-official social leverage in the existence-space 
to do the optical bidding of subservience to the mandarins-of-leverage 
to expediently get-by., if not already adhered by response to those ethical trials.

From mostly mine and others experiences, I came to the realization that many 
of us have life paths which un-moor us from the thinking and ways of our 
organic roots and place us in the realms of streams of consciousness, which 
are virtual fabricationed surrogates for what our former organic origins 
served for us. A corollary, would be that we, who unlike those who stay 
physically (meaning geographically) or emotionally attached 
to their organic roots, are more easily estranged to what had been 
the orthodoxy or the conventionality of the regions and people of 
our organic locales.

Our virtual networks that replaced the organic ones of our upbringing 
are as symbiotically enabling or synergistic as the former organic relations, 
but on more poly-leveled possibilities. I say “more poly-leveled” because 
of the wider set of options available outside the organic exoskeletal 
framework. Once transitioned (and sort of transcendent) from 
the physical and exoskeletal-ethos of the organism of our earlier gestation, 
we have more ‘organic roots’
to our own self-interests and more-to-less nominal bonds to the original 
organic, social womb bonds of previous times and places.

We may begin in the roots of the literally organic, but we branch out 
to the figuratively metaphorical. When and if we follow the logical 
consequences of the substantiated presumptions and extrapolate them 
to the feasible possibility of options. Living in the present presents the 
dynamic for possible metamorphical change of our cognitive interpretations, 
thus a branching to an entirely new seeding, as a heterodoxy 
to the original cultural to social mores.

Though the natural logic for the consolidation for a more efficient operation 
would conjure in the minds of many as some miserable totalitarian, 
one-world hegemony; I see the inevitable mutational procreation of 
different options making a variety of ‘singularities of efficiencies’ that 
in their own operational symbiosis and synergistic combination 
with other amenable forms have different islands of sustenance that are 
neither mutually exclusive nor antagonistic with other forms. 
Antagonisms will exist, but they will be of temporally incidental and 
transitional in the broader picture of time, as much as  any 
‘organic tissue’ grows, replicates, atrophies, and is replaced by newer 
more vibrant ‘tissue’.

Though tangible organic systems will have a greater kinetic impression 
and impact in the near-term. Yet their inertial growth potential, even 
in the metastatic organic forms, is a material limitation in its maintenance 
and sustenance,plus it has, a priori, a motivation to inertial orthodoxy 
of what has been maintained and sustained.

Much like the reaction to invasive organism in petri dishes or anatomical bodies, 
we and these who have arrived at virtual bonding systems of meaning may as 
well be not only hostile ideological aliens, but also the equivalent of ‘space aliens’ 
in what we represent to the static-inertial organic cultures. That IS a theft of 
the basis of their culture’s identity for existing, due to the host medium’s static 
structure, whose organization serves the status quo hierarchy’s operation 
over any process that would alter the hierarchy control structure.



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