Migratory Movements of NATURE

Migratory Movements

Migrations-"invasions" reflect the readjustment of 'resources' from equilibrium 
locations of maladjustments of energy distribution and misoperation to more 
and better conduits that are symbiotic and synergistic to the forms of energy 
that have been maladjusted in their present iteration
From Prehistoric to  the Hebrew, the Assyrians,  the Persians,
 the Greeks
, the Romans,  the Goths,
the Huns, plus  the Vikings, and
the Mongols:  national borders have been artificial 
boundaries, dismissed by such movements as no more than economic 
resources of greater magnetic polarity of attraction  .

The non distributive hoarding of excess 'energy' manifestations, being 
the indirect and direct
hoarding by localities of “wealth”, makes them polarity destinations.
The ‘Laws of Nature’ are not negated by its subcomponents activities.
The flow of populations, much as the flow of heat agitated molecules, 
reflect a similar phenomena of movement from one locale to another. 
Nation states are consensual fictions, subservient to their macro-source, 
Nature’s physics of equilibrium.
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