“But for the constellar context of our condition..”
“But for the constellar context of our condition..”
What Shakespeare’s ’Brutus’ could
have replied to ‘Cassius’
In regards to the underlying culturally driven incentives and motivations for
“educational learning”.
“educational learning”.
What a wonderful world it was [hyped] to be
(How learning was turned into a tool of exclusivity)
Using the great Sam Cooke’s recording of “What a wonderful world it would be”
we find the telling attitude that academic studies are seen as an external
trapping that’s separate from the “essential” reality of the visceral security and
aspiration for love as the completing compensation for those tangent
requirements of living. But “love’s” complimentary extensions are seen as
vocations for which the academics are abstract tangents to what the job
requirements would need and specify->a person who could do what they are told
in following any authoritative instructions.
we find the telling attitude that academic studies are seen as an external
trapping that’s separate from the “essential” reality of the visceral security and
aspiration for love as the completing compensation for those tangent
requirements of living. But “love’s” complimentary extensions are seen as
vocations for which the academics are abstract tangents to what the job
requirements would need and specify->a person who could do what they are told
in following any authoritative instructions.
There’s much more to language, science, and math than as selective, winnowing
tools for the mechanics with little holistic, let alone abstract, reflection. Those
three subjects have utility beyond any narrow economic
tools for the mechanics with little holistic, let alone abstract, reflection. Those
three subjects have utility beyond any narrow economic
or commercial ends.
Language is theclay-like medium in which science and math are conceivable.
They are the surrogate and representative signals and utterances that became
the shares-of-knowledge between people.
They are the surrogate and representative signals and utterances that became
the shares-of-knowledge between people.
In this way what was literally tangible for one person could be represented or
expressed in its metaphor of being a graphic image or abstract audible
expression. In this way the ordinals-”1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, etc... led to the
comprehensions of the line, the polygon,
as as well as the relationships within the ordinals for connecting the numeric
concepts to the graphic forms.
expressed in its metaphor of being a graphic image or abstract audible
expression. In this way the ordinals-”1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, etc... led to the
comprehensions of the line, the polygon,
as as well as the relationships within the ordinals for connecting the numeric
concepts to the graphic forms.
With the expansion of numbers to there other applications came the concurrent
ability to
find applications for
ability to
forms that were adaptable in other ways than their original design use..
So that language became more than syntax and lexicon.Math became more than
Science became more than analysis and categorization, as each can transcend
to different disciplines for the flexibility and the versatility of the mind’s
conceptualizing ability.
to different disciplines for the flexibility and the versatility of the mind’s
conceptualizing ability.
Thus, the hormonally-oriented persona of Sam Cooke’s song would know
a priori to that declaratory lyricism of “...history, biology, science books,
the French I took..” were speaking of evolving relationship replications
throughout time. Those relationships give the implications of hints and
clues of broader uses than the narrow grade reports for each grade’s
hoop-jumping standards that were of little relevance for their vocational
expectations and that vocation’s tool box of required concepts.

a priori to that declaratory lyricism of “...history, biology, science books,
the French I took..” were speaking of evolving relationship replications
throughout time. Those relationships give the implications of hints and
clues of broader uses than the narrow grade reports for each grade’s
hoop-jumping standards that were of little relevance for their vocational
expectations and that vocation’s tool box of required concepts.
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