Not an immutable stasis, but an ever-dynamic morphism

Not an immutable stasis, but

an ever-dynamic morphism

We are the expression of the echoing  interplay of reactions of the past, 

which erupt and flow forth from their origins to be dissipated over time 

in the thrust of its own micro- interactions of its posterity and their own 

posterities, so that the original disruptive and provocative dynamism of its 

emergence eventually morphs back to a new equilibrium status that 

becomes the next stasis, until the subsequent, more provocative thrust erupts 

and surges out. [As described in this analogy involving percussive resonance ]

In the resulting change of stasis and equilibrium of the present status, the

chemistry and the physics of the micro interactions and engagements exist 

in the macro-culture’s milieu which spawns the origins of this continual 

change of its existence, as this assertion by Laurence A. Moran implies..

[ Biology
  • 1The state or condition of being a morph; variance of form in an animal or plant species; polymorphism.
  • 2Mathematics. Any of a class of elements in a category which are associated with pairs of that 
    category's objects, and which may be combined associatively under the operation of composition 
    specified for that category.
And what makes this all possible, the cyclical stasis-disequilibrium stasis cycles 
in human culture and history?  

“Love” and its corollary mythological fallacy of ‘unconditional love’ which is 
based on a false emotional promise of an unchanging state of emotional security.
EXCEPT that in the accommodation and the adaptation to the imposed abuses 
of the “the loved’s” misjudgements which would be resisted for any other alien, 
strange persons, or sources, there is no security but for an ethos of moral 
generosity; that is in essence enabling.  

We all go through changes, just as the world around us has and is in the continual 
flux of changes. Those changes stem from waves of radiated energy, now 
metamorphosed into their temporal, material conditions of events that are the 
conduit vehicles of the eruption of the repressed and sublimated energy from the
 incalculable genesis force known as the “Big Bang”. That “Big Bang”, itself is a 
mechanical work of expedient associating energy combinations-symbiotic, 
synergistic, cannibalistic-at reaching an ends that is temporary until the next 
energy field comes along to disrupts it structural order for the same to similar 
reasons. What occurs with us on a macro-level is just the extended continuation 
of what’s occurring on the micro-and-lower levels.

The stasis being sought is the illusion of permanency. It is only the interlude 
while new forces are in their gestational combinating to have their overpowering 
moment on ‘what was’ for ‘what will be’..

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