Conjuring & Effectuating Word Symbols

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Words and their symbolic meaning are the program data for not only 
your actions, but others at well. The word symbols provide the 
conditions by which your brain and its operation, aka ‘the mind’, 
take care of your supposed intended business. Language as the 
shared operational program for a particular cultural experience is 
the networking of the symbolic meanings for others to share and 
utilize for themselves, also.

That’s all fine and good for all forms of the derived group actions, 
that exist because of that a priori predicate. Procreation and it 
genetic and social, plus cultural consequences are dependent upon 
that circumstance. Without that predicate all the ambience of 
conveniences and utilities that define contemporary life would be 
non-existent, if not for that predicate of a shared network of 
symbolic meanings.

Let’s not go to far astray with the benefits of the networking and 
utilization of the shared symbolism and be less appreciative of the 
micro-component that forms that network.

That micro-component-YOU, meaning the cognizance of your brain’s 
mind, exists as a self-conjuring instrumentality. In seeking the 
more-to-most optimal, effectual efficiency for the satisfaction of your 
aspirations, the cognizant functioning of the mind operates on a 
capability of comparison and association of phenomena. In the 
comparison and associating the mind seeks the greater visceral 
satisfaction that its system can feasibly sustain (though we do see 
the traps of abuse that do occur in this process).

The efforts of describing that phenomena become the word-symbols 
of  meaning of our language. As we seek higher levels of intensity 
and frequency in the cognizance of satisfying the ends of our 
aspirational intents, the more discrete to esoteric become the word 
symbols that accomplish that ends-of the conjuring.

To that ends, the creative and the artistic impulses of our being that 
seeks out those forms on the perimeter of our cognizant awareness 
are the operations of abstracting by which we extract the possibility 
of nuances of meaning that are the more effectual tools for the 
efficient manifestation of the aspirations of our intent.


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