Taking a cue from what others mentioned to me about feeling my vibes or attributing results to my attitude about things.. If you are emotionally obsessive.. ...in your thoughts about something or someone; then if that someone is within a proximal distance of you, let's say 20 yards to several hundred miles, without having a conscious thought about you, they will have an unconscious awareness of you. As for things and events: Consider your thoughts as waves radiating from you and being more than just 'a note in a bottle thrown out in the ocean', but more like a wave of billiard balls that interact with other waves of billiard balls. If the velocity and direction of the interacted balls are also headed in the general direction of travel as your thought wave of billardballs, then they will join the movement of the affected to form a substantial signal which would cause the intended effect of your non-physical kinetics. I think this mode is where meditation has negl...
Ayahuasca Conjuring Fool Ayahuasca induces a psychedelic, visionary state of mind and this effect is employed by various people for various reasons. Shamans or medicine men take ayahuasca to communicate with nature or to see what is causing a patient’s illness on a spiritual level. In Brazil several religions can be found that pivot around gatherings where ayahuasca is taken by all participants. Drinking ayahuasca and singing together takes them into a healing and inspiring kind of trance. http://www.ayahuasca-info.com/introduction
As a relatively innocent naif coming out of Central NY in '68, my eyes and ears (and later my mouth ) was wide-open to the propositions suggested and asserted by others. By mid-May '70 I finally had the empirical evidence of who was blowing smoke up-my-ass and into-my-face and able to demarcate my identity as something with at least an idiosyncratic, if not a unique imperative. Further years proved a repeated seen it-heard it of the expected and the monotonous.BUT EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE... It was those oases of the unique to the thought provoking that kept me from what could be worse sociopathic or psychopathic ventures, since being in the military precluded anything more than a comfortable material port of benignity. Tho' I shared other's cynicism and skepticism of the Clintons and their ersatz media virtue, and had been on the left as an anti-authoritarian despite my posturing subordination to the decorum and discipline of a military careerist; I tho...
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