Exhilarating surge of revitalizing visceral sensations

The exhilarating surge of revitalizing visceral sensations
Slide presentation

If there is one thing I have come to know, it is that affirming signal for me. It's that visceral exhilarating surge that comes over me in those moments of affirmation. I've had tangent alluding thoughts concerning this gestating in my proto-comprehension. Intuitively, I recognized that such exhilaration comes from the paradigm of the intensity in copulating consummation-the literal procreative experience. It, the copulating consummation, becomes one of the foremost memes in our point of references of peak and pleasurable intense experiences. Things we engage in afterwards are surrogates and substitute replicas and re-creations of that now cognitive abstraction of intensity.

From human 'social' relations to solitary intellectual pursuits: they are the extensions of this cognitive and visceral point of reference. What we come to feel as meaningful has its ontology in that physical experience or the projected abstraction of that experience.

More than its significance in our temporal, carnal domain; its portends to the mind's plasticity of providing us with dimensions from these cognitive points of intense acuity beyond our secular roles onto our metaphysical realms that seed and nourish our temporal, secular states. It is in this domain of awareness in which we may experience the derived forms of that peaked, ever-memorable ecstasy.

Your gratuities of thanks-https://bit.ly/2H9W0aN 


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