Castes of mental operations

SUBORDINATES OF METAPHYSICS-Posturing affected impressionables  

MANIPULATORS OF METAPHYSICS-Autonomous self-defined liberated 

Admittedly the following categories will be broad-brushed generalities of stereotypes, which deserve a more analytical and nuanced articulation.. 

There are the states of mind that DO predestine our life paths because of those states-of-mind.  
They are: 
1-Those whose existence is circumscribed by the contemporary (materialistic) ways of the times and they operate in some capacity as the functionaries who directly provide the services that perpetuate or enable-per affirmative acquiescence-the societal structural order. They envision nothing more than the tangible and intangible affects which support that mind-ambience of that existence for themselves. 

Then there are those who are: 
2-The cynical manipulators who prey on the dependencies and co-dependencies of those acquiescent to the contemporary ways of doing things. These people operate as an informal syndicate of casual opportunists on the acquiescent and in conjunction with servile enablers and other co-symbioses and co-synergists of similar resources and influence. Their belief in the social structure is based on their predatory ability to aggrandize the leverage for their predations to hoard and control the material means of existence, and few to none of the moral or ethical platitudes of the acquiescent. 

On the other hand there are those who DON'T willingly acquiesce, and compensate for their obligatory gestures of participation by assuming alternative narratives of aesthetic, mental affinities and associations. They could be identified as: 
3-The disaffected cynics of the first two categories, who posture and gesture in different affected ways but still use the systems of the social structure for their logistical maintenance and sustenance. I am part of this cohort. When I start growing my own garden with the second generation seeds from the initial planting, and when either I go full vegan or in the meantime restrict my source of meat to suppliers of similar production intent as I like. Then it will be left for me to address the utility sources of energy I use to supply power (plus water) to the household and my transportation aspirations. 

Even at that (my present) level, I believe there is another needed transcendence that I'd describe as para-kinetic. This occurs when You ween yourself off the mental and physical ingestion of things down to the most basic imperative items for your health and welfare. What are the 'imperative items'? In general, they would be those things of compulsory necessity for your survival and present, justifiable obligations. 

When you have reached the optimal minimalistic level, you should be devoid of the extraneous and superfluous 'matters' that are functional diversions, let alone cognitive distractions, for your most efficient interaction with the phenomena of the moment. You will (or should!) be interacting with the following things. 1) the symbolistic and metaphoric meaning of things that will be greater than what is taken as the mundane terminology of the matters' forms. 2) Your mind's reception and transmission of the perceived will include associations with the déjà vu, the surreal, and the now more noticeable anecdotal in both your pedestrian and dream states.  
3) You will see yourself as a conduit than as the initiator of your own ingeniousness of design and planning. You would be much like any element or particle's interaction of perceived quantum reality 


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