
Showing posts from June, 2018

Thinking, the prose of math..

Thinking, the prose of math..

Our Mind: the self-fabricating tool

I was  musing [ blame it on my Muse's mentoring interventions, again! ]  the way we think, and I realized the different dimensions and forms, by which we are affected by the tangible tools we handle and the intangible tools that are the instruments of facilitation for those tangible tools. From there I made the connection of how the mind IS the tool maker but is also effected by the tools it creates. In creating the tool the mind changes its own form, function, and purpose.   Goes to show that our dependencies, resilience, and ingeniousness is an acquired, as well as learned, trait by the conditions through which the mind navigates.

Castes of mental operations

SUBORDINATES OF METAPHYSICS -Posturing affected impressionables   MANIPULATORS OF METAPHYSICS -Autonomous self-defined liberated   Admittedly the following categories will be broad-brushed generalities of stereotypes, which deserve a more analytical and nuanced articulation..   There are the states of mind that DO predestine our life paths because of those states-of-mind.   They are:   1-Those whose existence is circumscribed by the contemporary (materialistic) ways of the times and they operate in some capacity as the functionaries who directly provide the services that perpetuate or enable-per affirmative acquiescence-the societal structural order. They envision nothing more than the tangible and intangible affects which support that mind-ambience of that existence for themselves.   Then there are those who are:   2-The cynical manipulators who prey on the dependencies and co-dependencie...

Exhilarating surge of revitalizing visceral sensations

The exhilarating surge of revitalizing visceral sensations Slide presentation If there is one thing I have come to know, it is that affirming signal for me. It's that visceral exhilarating surge that comes over me in those moments of affirmation. I've had tangent alluding thoughts concerning this gestating in my proto-comprehension. Intuitively, I recognized that such exhilaration comes from the paradigm of the intensity in copulating consummation -the literal procreative experience. It, the copulating consummation, becomes one of the foremost memes in our point of references of peak and pleasurable intense experiences. Things we engage in afterwards are surrogates and substitute replicas and re-creations of that now cognitive abstraction of intensity. From human 'social' relations to solitary intellectual pursuits : they are the extensions of this cognitive and visceral point of reference. What we come to feel as meaningful has its ontology in that phy...