When not the tangibles, engage by intense though on the intangibles

Taking a cue from what others mentioned to me about feeling my vibes or attributing results to my attitude about things..

If you are emotionally obsessive..
...in your thoughts about something or someone; then if  that someone is within a proximal distance of you, let's say 20 yards to several hundred miles, without having a conscious thought about you, they will have an unconscious awareness of you.

As for things and events: Consider your thoughts as waves radiating from you and being more than just 'a note in a bottle thrown out in the ocean', but more like a wave of billiard balls that interact with other waves of billiard balls. If the velocity and direction of the interacted balls are also headed in the general direction of travel as your thought wave of billardballs, then they will join the movement of the affected to form a substantial signal which would cause the intended effect of your non-physical kinetics.

I think this mode is where meditation has neglected or lost its way in the self-serving narcissistic chants and prayers. DON'T ASK FOR AN INTERMEDIARY to be the actor! YOU are the actor of those thought meditations as addressing the issues that preoccupy your mind. Usually, I find that the best times for this thinking is when you have called it a day and have laid your head down on your pillow or when you first arise and the obligations and distractions of the day have yet to capture your attention.

Think about something which comes to mind as emotionally provocative to your pleasure or displeasure. Then think on what you believe is the root cause of that reactive emotion. Focus on what you'd do to that person or thing-of-interest and in your mind continue to repeat that. Much like a telegraph, but running into the interference of your own random thoughts and their commentary of themselves and what you're trying to send out as your focused signal, your thoughts will go out like a wave and encounter other similar or even same thoughts. Those thoughts, along with yours will have a symbiosis and synergy with each other, creating a greater thought amplitude. Eventually they will have an energy where at a random (for you) point, those thoughts will be effective enough to precipitate a kinetic, physical response that will surprise you in its synchronicity or serendipity to what you had been thinking.

This goes to show, that it DOES matter WHAT you think and HOW you think. We aren't existing in existential isolation, needing some secular organization before ANYTHING could be accomplished. We exist in a web-of-consciousness that can be activated by a strong and intense emanating signal, which you can initiate. 

Don't think of your impotence in being unable to change the condition of the events of your time. Take the space and time to dwell on those deep-seated emotions and find your deduced resolution for those emotions, and send out your S-O-S signal in repetitive thoughts until you sleep or until there is a demanding mundane imperative which breaks your attention and focus from your S-O-S. Do it as obsessively often as it comes to mind, when you can.


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