Where 'Reason' fails, Serendipity prevails!
Where 'Reason' fails, Serendipity prevails!
You probably will roll your eyes about this, but it's true: Where reason fails, serendipitous synchronicities
do prevail! I remember a few times, plus some others I will describe here where the dispute over
objective facts was settled by a very serendipitous synchronistic event.
One that comes immediately to mind was when I was in Richmond VA, living at one of my favorite
apartment complexes, THE MEWS-now this vacant lot
, formerly
on Hull Street near Belt Boulevard. I diligently paid my rent every 15 days by telephone banking.
But, a few days into the new month as I was departing the premises, one of the kindly and sweet,
old ladies who were the property managers caught my attention. She came over to my car and told me
that my rent was still due. Flabbergasted, I relayed to her my telephone phone banking regimen, and
I told her I'd look into it as soon as I returned from what must have been an appointment, which
would've delayed my normally immediate obsessive-compulsive impulses to turn around to call
the bank. On my return a few hours later, the same sweet lady waved to me when I entered, and with
a smile on her face. She told me that after our discussion, their office received a call from the property's
management's accounting office, informing them that THEIR deposit had not been received! When they
protested with the same startled exasperation that I had with them, they were received with the same
skepticism of doubt, which they had given to me. As it turned out, not only were they vindicated when
their drop was found stuck in the night deposit, but after I talked to my bank, they contacted the rental
office to inform them of an analogous delay in their processing of my phone bank request.
do prevail! I remember a few times, plus some others I will describe here where the dispute over
objective facts was settled by a very serendipitous synchronistic event.
One that comes immediately to mind was when I was in Richmond VA, living at one of my favorite
apartment complexes, THE MEWS-now this vacant lot
on Hull Street near Belt Boulevard. I diligently paid my rent every 15 days by telephone banking.
But, a few days into the new month as I was departing the premises, one of the kindly and sweet,
old ladies who were the property managers caught my attention. She came over to my car and told me
that my rent was still due. Flabbergasted, I relayed to her my telephone phone banking regimen, and
I told her I'd look into it as soon as I returned from what must have been an appointment, which
would've delayed my normally immediate obsessive-compulsive impulses to turn around to call
the bank. On my return a few hours later, the same sweet lady waved to me when I entered, and with
a smile on her face. She told me that after our discussion, their office received a call from the property's
management's accounting office, informing them that THEIR deposit had not been received! When they
protested with the same startled exasperation that I had with them, they were received with the same
skepticism of doubt, which they had given to me. As it turned out, not only were they vindicated when
their drop was found stuck in the night deposit, but after I talked to my bank, they contacted the rental
office to inform them of an analogous delay in their processing of my phone bank request.
The other anecdote involves when the irrationality or the unreasonableness of one situation seems to
end one thing, but synchronistic serendipity opens up another way. In this instance I had been seeing this
gal in East New York part
of Brooklyn from the time of my freshman
Spring semester in college. I had dropped in on her every so often as a change of pace from my campus
socializing. It was nothing more serious than conversations punctuated by kissing and maybe some
touching (though, if my memory is serving me correctly she was a Pentecostal and had restrictions on
where she could go and what she could do). I liked her but not enough to have her on my mind to have
visited her frequently, as she probably was the 'change of venue' from my campus interactions.
end one thing, but synchronistic serendipity opens up another way. In this instance I had been seeing this
gal in East New York part
Spring semester in college. I had dropped in on her every so often as a change of pace from my campus
socializing. It was nothing more serious than conversations punctuated by kissing and maybe some
touching (though, if my memory is serving me correctly she was a Pentecostal and had restrictions on
where she could go and what she could do). I liked her but not enough to have her on my mind to have
visited her frequently, as she probably was the 'change of venue' from my campus interactions.
By the Spring of my senior year I was taking inventory on whom I'd be seeing after graduation and
during my looming, Draft-obliged, military enlistment, when I remembered her. From her point of view,
I can see how she wanted a more definitive declaration of intentions by me to her. That was her tone,
when I called her to arrange for another visit to Brooklyn. In empathy for her attitude, I earnestly set
a date for a Friday evening visit.
during my looming, Draft-obliged, military enlistment, when I remembered her. From her point of view,
I can see how she wanted a more definitive declaration of intentions by me to her. That was her tone,
when I called her to arrange for another visit to Brooklyn. In empathy for her attitude, I earnestly set
a date for a Friday evening visit.
Matters with my senior thesis forced me to think to spend Friday night and Saturday working on
rectifying what I had found unsatisfactory with my thesis, than the traveling to-and-from Brooklyn.
When I called her up to give her the postponing of my trip, she exploded with a tirade of demeaning
comments, uncharacteristic from our former visits or phone calls. I retaliated at what I perceived, then,
as an over-the-top reaction by her, and did my own verbal insults before slamming down the phone on her.
rectifying what I had found unsatisfactory with my thesis, than the traveling to-and-from Brooklyn.
When I called her up to give her the postponing of my trip, she exploded with a tirade of demeaning
comments, uncharacteristic from our former visits or phone calls. I retaliated at what I perceived, then,
as an over-the-top reaction by her, and did my own verbal insults before slamming down the phone on her.
Just moments after I had slammed the phone down it rang again. With me thinking it was she wanting
to get in her last two-cents, I picked up the phone and gruffly answered it, "Yeah!?". to my and also the
callers surprise it was my bud from the dorm
across campus. His home-girl
had come down that day and had lunch with him, plus we, his regular eating partners. I had been
entertaining the table (and her) with my theatrics, and she was impressively intrigued enough to ask my
bud to see if I'd be interested in seeing her that evening. In pleased shock, I agreed to see her and I went
over to the dorm to bring her back to my room. We had a good and fun conversation, but when the time
came to bring her back to the dorm, a snow squall had descended, coming down pretty heavily. She had
just worn a light jacket, which had been good for the milder weather earlier, but was not for this storm.
I was lacking any suitable clothing to give her for the walk back, so I suggested to her that she could stay
over and have my bed. Though she gave me an askance look, I assured her there'd be no advances by me;
as it did turn out. The next morning when I awoke, she invited me to finish 'getting-up' with her in my
bed where she had slept.
to get in her last two-cents, I picked up the phone and gruffly answered it, "Yeah!?". to my and also the
callers surprise it was my bud from the dorm
had come down that day and had lunch with him, plus we, his regular eating partners. I had been
entertaining the table (and her) with my theatrics, and she was impressively intrigued enough to ask my
bud to see if I'd be interested in seeing her that evening. In pleased shock, I agreed to see her and I went
over to the dorm to bring her back to my room. We had a good and fun conversation, but when the time
came to bring her back to the dorm, a snow squall had descended, coming down pretty heavily. She had
just worn a light jacket, which had been good for the milder weather earlier, but was not for this storm.
I was lacking any suitable clothing to give her for the walk back, so I suggested to her that she could stay
over and have my bed. Though she gave me an askance look, I assured her there'd be no advances by me;
as it did turn out. The next morning when I awoke, she invited me to finish 'getting-up' with her in my
bed where she had slept.
The connection between these two anecdotes was that what had been, at the least, a perceived unjustified
insult on the integrity of my virtue, was countered in a very proximal chronology by a favorable validating
or compensating turn of events. This has occurred with me too numerous times not to be interpreted as a
phenomenal pattern. It forced me to rethink these individual anecdotes as representative of a quality which
exists for such purposes.
insult on the integrity of my virtue, was countered in a very proximal chronology by a favorable validating
or compensating turn of events. This has occurred with me too numerous times not to be interpreted as a
phenomenal pattern. It forced me to rethink these individual anecdotes as representative of a quality which
exists for such purposes.
With all the tragedies and atrocities that do take place, I wonder, "If this is unique to me or the subjects
of those outrages are for some reason outside the grace of this?" Is it because I'm an acolyte, who gives
credence to thoughts of the mystical and paranormal, and have developed an associated aesthetic
of actions, which have delivered me into this state? Short of and discounting the karma-fate involved
with reincarnation, or the random birth of people in their paces or stations, then what could account
for this? Are people more burdened for an exemplary and heroic performance to live up to some abstract
meta-physic, so not to have to face a penance of trials in their next life. How coldly cruel!
of those outrages are for some reason outside the grace of this?" Is it because I'm an acolyte, who gives
credence to thoughts of the mystical and paranormal, and have developed an associated aesthetic
of actions, which have delivered me into this state? Short of and discounting the karma-fate involved
with reincarnation, or the random birth of people in their paces or stations, then what could account
for this? Are people more burdened for an exemplary and heroic performance to live up to some abstract
meta-physic, so not to have to face a penance of trials in their next life. How coldly cruel!
At the same time, my maternal grandfather was named 'Samuel' and my mother being
'Parthenia Mary' (Parthenia: Derived from Greek παρθενος (parthenos) meaning "maiden, virgin". This was an epithet of the Greek goddess Athena. Mary: the Virgin Mary) sets up a chosen-one scenario. Plus me, a "Merlin', being born on August 24th, the herald of weather changes from summer to fall along with several infamous historical dates; AND born on a Thursday-Thors-day, in the Chinese Calendar year of the Tiger. Coincidentally interesting, if not substantively determinative for any special existential status.
'Parthenia Mary' (Parthenia: Derived from Greek παρθενος (parthenos) meaning "maiden, virgin". This was an epithet of the Greek goddess Athena. Mary: the Virgin Mary) sets up a chosen-one scenario. Plus me, a "Merlin', being born on August 24th, the herald of weather changes from summer to fall along with several infamous historical dates; AND born on a Thursday-Thors-day, in the Chinese Calendar year of the Tiger. Coincidentally interesting, if not substantively determinative for any special existential status.
I come back to the karma of reincarnation and the unique demographics of my, 'Merlin', circumstances. Maybe, as random as a lottery number, my unique demographics were the right conjuring code to the metaphysical 'I-Chang' for such a favorable abracadabra-response to my being. That with my own self-aware ethics for my behavior, there was a favorable congruence with the architecture of my demographics.
If I were to apply my circumstances more globally, then I'd say that each person has some symbolic pattern in their demographics that must be known and embraced,ala the words from the 47th verse of the 18th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita:
It matters not, so much, what you think in line with whatever temporal or conventional consensus, but it does matter that you're true in your actions to the instinctual nature of which you're aware so that you're guided along the path of your grace and 'Serendipity'.
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