Unraveling of the @Biden political narrative
The fabricated narrative for Biden's nomination for his election as President is meeting its true reality. Biden got the nomination as an accommodation to the ' #WhipClyburn effect' on the SC and Southern State primaries and those that came after them. The reality, as I perceive it, was that the non-progressives and non-status quo-moderates believed Biden's brand would be a better sell to the non-Trump Republicans than the more progressive and neophyte-unknowns challenging Biden for the nomination. Whether or not the networks' media narratives want to state this, Biden's political decisions on encouraging less-restrictive masking requirements in late-May and June, the obvious 'whistling past the graveyard' claim that not only the Afghan forces could withstand a post-withdrawal Taliban offensive and there would not be a replay of the Vietnam US Embassy departure, but that "No person would be left behind.." [ADDENDUM: August Stephanop...