
Showing posts from October, 2018

Migratory Movements of NATURE

Migratory Movements Video supplement Migrations-"invasions" reflect the readjustment of 'resources' from equilibrium  locations of maladjustments of energy distribution and misoperation to more  and better conduits that are symbiotic and synergistic to the forms of energy  that have been maladjusted in their present iteration From Prehistoric to  the Hebrew, the Assyrians,  the Persians,  the Greeks       , the Romans ,  the Goths , the Huns , plus  the Vikings , and the Mongols :  national borders have been artificial  boundaries, dismissed by such movements as no more than economic  resources of greater magnetic polarity of attraction  . The non distributive hoarding of excess 'energy' manifestations, being  the indirect and direct hoarding by localities of “wealth”, makes them polarity destinations.    The ‘Laws of Nature’ are not negated by its subcompone...

“But for the constellar context of our condition..”

“But for the constellar context of our condition..” What Shakespeare’s ’Brutus’ could have replied to ‘Cassius’ In regards to the underlying culturally driven incentives and motivations for  “educational learning”. What a wonderful world it was [hyped] to be (How learning was turned into a tool of exclusivity) Using the great Sam Cooke’s recording of “What a wonderful world it would be”  we find the telling attitude that academic studies are seen as an external  trapping that’s separate from the “essential” reality of the visceral security and  aspiration for love as the completing compensation for those tangent  requirements of living. But “love’s” complimentary extensions are seen as  vocations for which the academics are abstract tangents to what the job  requirements would need and specify->a person who could do what they are told  in following any authoritative instructions. There’s much more to language, scien...