Timelessly Connected
Timelessly Connected I’ve wondered about the source of my serendipities and synchronicities often. At one time I DID think that I had personal mentors, who were the spirits of deceased people, I personally knew of or knew. I dismissed that notion. I considered that even with persons with whom I had affectionate sympathies were still present after my soul departed this realm, I’d be drawn primarily to the indefinite expanses and realms of the Abstract-(Multi-)Verses than I’d tie myself to the daily dramas of those left behind in this UNIverse for any extended time after departing my mortal status. I had yet to consider that there would be multi-parallel time dimensions. My dreams hinted of this by the so contemporary and realistic characters I was encountering. Most of those characters I had no previous direct connection, or were they symbolic composites of those I did know. Yet they inhabited the space in my dreams as persons-with-an-existence-like-me beyond this dream setting. Then wh...