
Showing posts from July, 2019

As ALL being an extension of a sole source - Classified Ad

                          As ALL being an extension of a sole source - Classified Ad We are the other, as the Other and We are extensional branches of 'The Sole Source'

Metaphysical Transactionalism - Classified Ad

Metaphysical Transactionalism - Classified Ad It is no wonder that there's such individual and civic disaffection and estrangement from each other and the social fabric.. The temporal and the tangible and the physical paradigms and protocols have become so vulnerable and polluted to distortion, to corruption, and to other more toxic forms of amorality, that both the individual for their own sense of emotional stability and security, plus other classes and demographics of individuals, en mass, are seeking to establish their own platforms of credibility for themselves.

And Pilate turned and asked..

“What IS ‘real’ “ Having washed his hands of this discussion on such an ambiguity, he  threw the towel with which he’d been drying his hands on the floor  as he turned and walked away from the discussion… “How could they be so smugly presumptuous on such a relative point  of perspective?”, he muttered under his breath.. This is where we find ourselves, arguing over rhetorical language,  quantum mechanics which defy the contemporaneous consensus of  place and time beyond the honest, mutual transaction of a meeting  and agreement of minds. Otherwise, at best reality is a subjective,  group-as well as individual, illusion; at worst, the delusional denial  for the preferred myth or fantasy… Despite what has been proffered, previously, on this topic; I am  asserting that “reality” as it exists for the pedestrian mind is a  consensual illusion of convenience to expedite the incidental  mundanities. ‘True Reality’ i...


                                        Wormholes-Gravitation-Blackholes.2                                                           Preface @JC127 Your perspective, which reflects an accepted line of thought, did have this one statement that is in resonance with the theme of this thread: "But one of the reasons being an asshole is alluring because it's a way to gain dominance of the situation...." Enter the anus and the black hole, both gatekeepers of sorts. And in homage to @shootersa , the anus as the fr...