
Showing posts from December, 2018

Channeling one's angst or the 'Cosmic'

Channeling one's angst or the 'Cosmic'     I could be channeling my physiological angst muse, and if I am then it could be connected in some way to the translations of the transmissions that are extra-corporeally based.  If so, are we biochemically part of an elemental network? And, when we react we send out our nano-waves of energy which encounter their resonant chords of harmonic affirmation? Just wondering..   =====OP's===Solicitation=====  Your donations of appreciation for this work may be done by making a payment to this link at my PayPal account (

The So-called “Cerebral Hemispheric culture wars”

The So-called “Cerebral Hemispheric culture wars” Audio version:!AiwJmMlVraiqgWXNXWz9-ih5rXMy Though the above link is the popular narrative we laymen know about  our brain, there are articles which play to my take on the cultural social wars that are more cogent factors to the phenomena we call Left brain-Right brain orientation. Our cultures and society are structured around we having a tangible, economic focus on categorized detail manipulation and placement,  than a more aesthetic and emotional appreciation of what’s in our  sensory field. In the former-mentioned ‘categorized detail manipulation’, being able to have an effect on what’s in one’s sensory field is the point, while in the latter ‘aesthetic and emotional appreciation’-the    affectedness of the sensory field upon the person is the experience. Some states, such as autism or a psychoses, could be called stereotypical  of an affe...

It's about MORE than material wealth

It's about MORE than material wealth Audio version!AiwJmMlVraiqgWLXNoGkmOHsl7DV Material wealth can only do so much because of its  tangible limits. It’s something that should be used,  but it’s not the ends nor the crucial means for  individual or aggregate social problems. One thing I’ve noticed about the so-called “wealthy” is  how sensory consumptive they are. Their ability to go,  see, and experience things first-hand for the moment  or in the ‘happening-moment’ is something that they  do for their sense of aesthetic fulfillment. There IS a  significance to first-hand, empirical interaction. Yet, it  is most profound when You are the actor, than the  audience as the observer. At the same time, I am not  extolling the commercial exhibitions put on by  professional performers or athletes-no matter the artistry  of their performance. Their pure artistry, sans the  moneta...

Woodstock-Boomer Generation

Woodstock-Boomer Generation Audio version!ApcspsqQAspIiRA7w9X4JAT3wGq   Taking a re-evaluation of what it is to be a part of this  generation, which in the 60’s was known for  Haight-Ashbury ,  1967 Monterey Pop-Festival , the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention  scene , and Woodstock , now we are more  identified with jaded and corrupt  politicians , a few outstanding  public servants , and  MAGA-supporters . Just taking the 400-500,00   who were at Woodstock, ya think that it would be  representative and not an anomaly of our generation.  Having known a few and their attitudes, being  at Woodstock was as much a self-indulgence of ‘Me-ism’,  as it was about being a part of a happening. One could easily say that being part of the Tea Party or MAGA   movements of the Right or the Anti-Fa or  #MeToo movements of  the Left are as much about t...