Arriving at a different point of reference

Arriving at a different point of reference ~A nonfiction novelette selling on Amazon and accessible are kindle books for 8.69-USD~ video preview: Three themes covering nineteen discourses of the progression from seeing the fallacies in the cultural and contemporary social homilies in which you were acculturated by family and institutions-in formal and informal ways to believe, cohere, if not adhere. It first starts with the conflicting undermining experiences of what you’ve been told to give loyalty and devotion. The stark contrast of the 'ends NOT justifying the paradoxical means creates that questioning. Then you come to a reckoning of self-reflection, as you deconstruct, so you may re-imagine what you could and can be and now are resolved to must being. It is not done whimsically, since the alternative would put you in antagonistic relations with the nature of the personal bonds formed under the former homilies, etc. under which you le...